Amidst all this negativity

Disclaimer : this is purely how I feel right now and it is my blog. If you think that negativity is not for you then please just don't read........

Well, I have had heard so many negative things about me lately that I finally felt I need to write it down for me to be able to have a self reflection of some sorts before I go into full battle gear mode. One thing that I myself cannot handle is my constant need to talk. Whether it is gossip or everything else, I just need to talk and talk and talk. While others may seem to not like me recently because of that, I actually find it more amusing that people now know me besides being the girl who serves them coffee. I am now someone they recognize and need to talk about. Whether it is my attitude, my life, or even the way I look. I am now somewhat significant to them. But one thing I don’t get is that why do so much of you who I used to provide service before now hates/despises me? Is it because I am talking $#!^ behind your back? Or is it because I know that you also talk $#!^ and you just cannot believe that someone like me can do the same. 

Now how can I have so much relevance in your lives, really? But honestly speaking, I know that I do get carried away at times especially when it comes to taking about all of you. It may not be what you want to hear but I do know for a fact that I am not the only one doing this.

Seriously though, People b!+@# about each other all the time and me saying nasty things about you and vice versa is how you want to play this game right? So how come now you guys find it offensive?  If you are angry with me then be my guest. I have been hearing so many shitty things anyways that It was my way of retaliating to at least give myself the satisfaction. I have had so many things going on in my life recently that loosing you as an acquaintance may not even have that much impact in my life anyways.

Original Writing Date: February 2017